
Case Study: Global Brand Expansion Through SEO Strategies


A client operating in the competitive Marketing/SaaS niche, specifically selling Instagram followers, was challenged to establish a significant online presence. 

Despite being a large business in Brazil, the brand decided to expand its operation to the international market, initially focusing on three languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese. 

With a new international website with no pages, content, or authority (DR), the client was at the beginning of their global digital journey.


The main task was to create optimized content in three different languages ​​to meet both bottom- and top-of-the-funnel needs, a critical mission for a site that was starting from absolute zero in terms of SEO. 

The objective was clear: to increase international visibility, focusing on the Spanish and American markets.

Implemented Solution

The strategy adopted was revolutionary and efficient: optimized content was created first in English and then translated into Spanish and Portuguese. 

Given the highly competitive US SEO market, this approach allowed us to accelerate content creation. Additionally, we implemented a robust optimization process that included:

  1. Content Creation Optimization: Use of a proprietary framework to identify main keywords and competitors.
  2. Content Structuring: Create content structures optimized for Google searches.
  3. Optimized Content Production: Focus on primary and secondary keywords, in addition to the use of internal links.
  4. International Translation and Optimization: Translation of content into Spanish and Portuguese, with adjustments to ensure neutrality and understanding across all target markets.


In just one year, the results were impressive:

  • Organic Traffic: Grew from 5 daily hits to 512.
  • Positioning: The brand reached the top 3 for 345 keywords and appeared on the first page for 1,515 keywords in several countries.
  • Domain Authority: DR increased from 18 to 27 thanks to a focused and strategic link-building strategy.

Lessons Learned

The main lesson learned was that it is possible to optimize and accelerate the creation of SEO content for the global market by creating it in English and subsequent translating it. 

Furthermore, we identified a significant demand for content for the Spanish audience, which can be useful for brands that want to expand beyond their native language or English.


This case study demonstrates that even starting from scratch, a well-planned and executed SEO strategy can lead to extraordinary online visibility and authority results. 

The approach of creating globally optimized content has proven to be effective and scalable for brands looking to expand their presence in the international market.

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